Happy New Year to FLIR ONE app Developers!

Happy new year, FLIR ONE app developers!

The rollout of new Gen 3-ready FLIR ONE apps was slowed by the recent compatibility issue with iOS 11.2, but I’m happy to report that with the release of iOS 11.2.5 things are back on track and new app submissions are starting to roll again.  We’re sorry for the inconvenience and delays this issue has caused, and as the person working most closely with you all I’m so very appreciative of the patience and understanding most of you have shown.

Still experiencing challenges developing and releasing your new FLIR ONE apps?  Submit your questions on the developer forum today (our tech support team monitors it and will get answers for you ASAP) or drop me a note at [email protected].

Speaking of Gen 3-ready apps, there are currently 14 apps that have been reviewed and approved for use with the Gen 3 FLIR ONE and FLIR ONE Pro devices.  As I wrote previously, these apps are backward-compatible with older hardware and they’re eligible to be promoted with the new Gen 3 Approved App logo to let customers know they’ll work with all FLIR ONE hardware.

Congratulations on the recent launch of new Gen 3 apps FireProofInfragauge, Thermal Buddy Lite & ProThermovisual Motion Detector, and Thin Blue Line Reporting.  I really like the new apps I’m seeing, keep them coming!

I’ll close with a heads up that we’re in the process of revamping the FLIR ONE website, and we’re also working on a refresh of the FLIR ONE Developer site.  I’m aware that the FLIR ONE Apps page is outdated and want you to know that will get updated with the website revamp.  And YES all the approved FLIR ONE apps will be listed on this page so we can steer more users your way, and once it’s updated I’ll resume promoting your apps via the “featured app” section and through FLIR’s social media channels.

Working on a cool and/or useful new FLIR ONE app and want to get it approved and promoted by FLIR?  Follow these simple steps!

Happy developing!


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