Granule and Powder Inspection with Flea3 GigE cameras

Reprinted with permission from the Vision Systems Design article

Both the pharmaceutical and food industries require fast, highly accurate inspection systems for detecting and separating foreign materials from large batches of raw granules and powders. These bulk materials are generally encapsulated, made into tablets, or packaged into sachets by manufacturing companies.

To perform outer-appearance inspection of these materials, JPS Imaging Limited has developed an inspection system that uses off-the-shelf machine-vision components, processing material at the rate of 100 kg/hr for powders and/or granules with a density similar to that of granulated sugar (see Fig. 1). Food manufacturers also use it to inspect raw materials, such as flour or sugar, prior to mixing and processing.


FIGURE 1. JPS Imaging Limited has developed an inspection system that uses off-the-shelf machine-vision components to process material at the rate of 100 kg per hour.

 Read the entire article at Vision Systems Design